You may be interested in Pool Allocated products if you are seeking:
Secure Storage at no cost.
No shipment costs or risks.
High liquidity, the fastest way to buy and sell.
Regular reporting showing the current value of holdings and transaction history.
A suitable option for SMSF with regular auditing, reporting, insurance and compliant, offsite storage.
100% backed by physical metal.
Fully insured for replacement value (by Lloyds of London).
If you wish to take possession of your Silver, there will be a barring fee applied. Please ask the GBA team for details.
Rather than buying a specific item, you can invest in the pool of products with 100% backing by physical metal which is fully insured for replacement value.
If you buy a ‘share’ in the pool of gold, silver or platinum it is managed and stored by Gold Bullion Australia Treasury Reserve (GBATR) on your behalf in our secure, custom built vaulting facility.
The price of Silver, like many other commodities, tends to be driven by a combination of supply and demand metrics as well as speculation. Whilst the price of Silver is well known for being more volatile than Gold due to its smaller market size, lower market liquidity as well as ever-changing supply and demand from the industrial sector and its properties as a store of value over long periods of time.
Silver is well regarded as a safe-haven asset for investors during times of economic upheaval, uncertainty and financial stress. The market conditions applicable to Silver, are much like that for Gold, and tend to be driven by monetary policy, the value of the US dollar, geopolitical concerns, physical demand as well as the available supply from mining production.
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